The necessity and evidence of forming the voltage class series are analyzed, and the economy of each voltage grade is compared to present the applicable range of HVDC transmission systems. 根据直流输电技术发展及其在我国电力系统中长期发展规划中的应用前景,提出为直流输电系统划分电压等级标准化序列的思想。
With increase of the capacity of units and voltage grade of transmission lines, the main electrical wiring in the large sized power plants has to be improved and renovated. It should be optimized on the existing foundation to improve its reliability, flexibility and economy. 随着机组容量的增大和输电线路电压等级的提高,大型发电厂电气主接线有待改进和创新,在现有的基础上进行优化,以提高电气主接线的可靠性、灵活性和经济性。
Discussion on "Grade" of architectonic structure An Improvement of Mesh Transmission of the Cable Lifter 浅谈建筑结构等级论锚链轮传动
The dynamical identification of road grade angle is one of important techniques for vehicle using an automated mechanical transmission with intelligent shift control, when the vehicle is traveling on sloping road, and is also a difficult technology at present. 在行驶中动态识别道路坡度的大小是采用电控机械自动变速器的车辆实现智能换挡控制的重要环节之一,也是目前的一大技术难题。
As to the study on application of higher grade of pipe steel, he considers that the higher grade of pipe steel can be adopted in gas transmission pipeline through the optimized design. 对高等级管道钢的应用进行了重点研究与分析,认为经过优化设计,高等级管道钢可以应用于输气管道。
As the improving of the grade of voltage and current in the power transmission lines, the traditional method that based on the electromagnetism principle already could not satisfy the need of practice. 随着输变电线路的电压和电流等级的不断提高,传统的基于电磁原理的电流互感器已经不能满足实际测量的需要。
In recent years, lightning stroke is one of the important causes of the accidents that occur on transmission lines. With the increase of voltage grade of transmission line, the proportion of outages because of shielding failure also increases. 雷击是造成输电线路故障的重要原因之一,随着电力系统电压等级的提高,由雷电绕击线路引起跳闸的事故所占比例也不断提高。
With the increasing of transmission capacity and the rising of voltage grade of transmission lines, transmission line faults will not only harm the secure and stable operation of power system but also affect the living of societal economy and polity. 随着输电线路电压等级和输送容量的不断提高,输电线路故障不仅严重危及电力系统的安全、稳定运行,而且对社会的经济生活造成的影响也越来越大。
However, along with the growth of voltage grade and transmission capacity of HVDC systems, increasingly serious harmonic contamination has been brought into DC transmission lines, which causes deterioration in system operation and interference to communication. 然而伴随着HVDC系统电压等级与输送容量的增长,直流输电线路的谐波污染也变得日益严重,影响了系统的运行并且对通信造成干扰。